
Punctuated Equilibrium #18578

I’ve fallen victim to little blisses
the easy moments in the room

once      I’d ejaculate truth & thunder
at the edge of the Andaman sea
seek Sufi & psilocybin Charybdi
through Minotaur mazes of jungles     of cities
of electronic cork forests
bestride razored palisades  where none could find me
even if sometimes        I'd climb at home
ecstatic movements to a town or state
I’d not neuroned before
kissing moments elusive
every time a surprise how simple they are

avow wow         never let go     let go
throw yourself about your shoulders
like a worn traveling cloak
warm               warm              warm
but for the gales of forgetfulness
and knoll rolled fog

Easy to be junkie dependent
when the fade rides the fix from the very 1st rush

Maybe a symptom of simple survival
18thousand days makes many changes
but it feels like I’ve mist stepped
fallen victim to close quiet blisses
karmically crouched, stout & encouched

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