
morningblue bricks

Shell my pistachio eyes
Dehulled vulner-
able under nutcracker breath
Cricklecrrracks split
me & I just can't tell if
exposure germinates
weak or strong

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning

Tongue-pithed & flayed
open to monsoon breezes
Organs arranged by color & size
yet all I think is ice & beets
& I want to feel
you but I only feel me
My mind brines my heart

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning

Love’s the peroxide
to dissalve love's scabs
Pistachio love kudzus neoprene like
vines eat a temple beyond
Angkor Wat & in
morningblue bricks
become soft as peony mist

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning