
a poem in 2 directions

It starts at the end

and then i died

and things rolled out in a manner stately and punctuated
as they do

first principles vibrate             in the dark
what echoes is not failure but regret

might as well live
live well

so much unsolutioned
but why not?

life bracketed in love
was always the goal

you next to me
my eyes open

& it begins here 1st


mega-ray under 5am cobalt

(for MG)

open skied
plains of muscle & lightning

far as the
scarlet will see

kissed vistas becalmed & flowstilling

fingertipped tremored ripened asleep


morningblue bricks

Shell my pistachio eyes
Dehulled vulner-
able under nutcracker breath
Cricklecrrracks split
me & I just can't tell if
exposure germinates
weak or strong

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning

Tongue-pithed & flayed
open to monsoon breezes
Organs arranged by color & size
yet all I think is ice & beets
& I want to feel
you but I only feel me
My mind brines my heart

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning

Love’s the peroxide
to dissalve love's scabs
Pistachio love kudzus neoprene like
vines eat a temple beyond
Angkor Wat & in
morningblue bricks
become soft as peony mist

Lightning skidded trances
skin deep @ morning



eat cloud

Inhale:you Exhale:we


Even silence is celebration

Afternoon rain sautés stone stoops

Cast iron sizzle simmers my sleep

Umbrella my dreams

Casserole cozy comforter

Cumulous cakebake easy as pie

Baste me in rain


entities must not be multiplied beyond necessity

entia non sunt multiplicanda praeter necessitatem
William of Okham

I pieced you together with more spit than glue, with more chisel than hammer, from Occam’s remnants persistent like eyecrust on the morning after enlightenment; from glitter and debris and everything kept and everything razored and every she I’d never met; from enlightenment gained contemplating tight taut and eyecrust and 11 pirouettes and the dig of a nail and an arclight gasp; from blueprints gone scarlet from spilled spit and glue and the unnamed smell that permeates my memory; with kinks honed as ruthlessly as Fred Astaire pared superfluous; a tessellated space bigger inside than out; from oak and ivory and suedes skinned from imagined animals and driftwood and goo; from proposals proposed in Aramaic and Fortran with 2X4’s stolen from beach-property constructions and lathed to spec with immaculate perception; from wet; from snap; from arch and pinion and scratchhiss and moan; with inspired planning and planned inspirations and byzantine negotiations with baroque predilections and will and action and laissez-faire charm, and still
on completion I was completely




If it were my world people would purple
If it were my world the alphabet would explain all you need to know
If it were my world scowling would be scofflaw and pot sacrosanct
If it were my world wars would be creampie-fought by clown clad leaders
If it were my world love wouldn’t ache but being an asshat would itch like a cat

SMS < 3

The slice of mind pie consumed isn’t proportional to time spent

Longlean open Lightning

teslas my skin

kiss my back

Your morning sounds a warm bowl of home

Adore, not a door No, you’re a door You

open & new vistas I see:

Lotus blossoms river-roll a valley. A single cloud thrust through murky waters on a starscattered lake. A finger on a thigh. 3 moons in a violet sky.

nothing to say

I have the urge to say things

There is another universe, very

close, so close that everything

exactly sames; everything; exactly; except

we are drinking hot chocolate together.

I take great comfort in that.

And: I watched your eyes work your lips like marionette strings. Lifting your meat puppet to action