
The best sort of writer’s block

Poets are a funny tribe — scaling heights by plumbing depths;

my pages lay fallow my pen wadi dry

I’ve written through my saltwatered time &

my concepts are crystals cutpolished for clarity and shine &

Gee Dubbya isn’t president &

I’ve been too busy fucking to write a poem

Oh sure the world still injustices and needs a poet’s utter

& sure some ideas may need a spit & shine &

lovescars can crack again like bones brittled by breaks & bruises;

life can offer kernels poetic from places unseen &

no doubt it will

but today today today

I’ve been too busy fucking to write a poem

& yes Erato you can be the ficklest bitch

amused to be wooed

with sacrifices of salt & blood

but today today today

I’ve been too busy fucking to write a poem

& it looks like it’s gonna be

that way
