
3 Sijo


It’s all playground politics and chimpanzee relationships
Only one universal law: how you treat the other
Karma/dharma are just metaphors but flowers bloom each spring


Pleasure is often underrated; need is a poor principle
A Spartan life may suit some people but it’s not robustly
satisfying. Wake up! Wake up! Joy is the payoff


As the shoot springs from the soil, as water shoots from the spring
As the blossom becomes the fruit and as the fruit wombs the tree
As hope floats at sunrise, so mind, self, and soul, bubble from brain

(the Sijo is a Korean syllabic form. from wiki: "Sijo may be narrative or thematic and introduces a situation in line 1, development in line 2, and twist and conclusion in line 3. The first half of the final line employs a “twist”: a surprise of meaning, sound, or other device.")