

You dropped a poem & stood there — looking lost.

You dropped a poem & stood there — looking lost.
The audience sat in silent sympathy.

You dropped a poem — dropped a poem in the woods. yeah
Mmm — You dropped a poem, dropped it— in the woods.
You dropped a poem poem right in the woods — hmmm.
Since that time, girl, it ain’t been no good. no no
been no good. 

You dropped a poem like a DJ; dropped it
like a bauhaus breakbeat BITD
in a Brooklyn warehouse where sweat & ecstasy suspensions mist
the air the way clouds whisk by windows landing
at LaGuardia on a rain-soaked afternoon.

You dropped a poem in the woods. Did it
make a music?

You dropped a poem & you dropped
again & then again
hanselgretling your way through;
Did you honestly think those crumbs
could lead anywhere but the oven?

You dropped a poem when you dropped us.

You dropped a poem in your sleep
& it fluttered by
like a butterfly on gossamer wings
O! the beauty

You dropped a poem just because it didn’t phone
you on your birthday.

You dropped a poem & the concrete
cracked, the chasm chunking
open with an icebreaker crunch
& the collapse can continue
until civilization ceases to matter.

You dropped a poem — dropped a poem in the woods. yeah
Mmm — You dropped a poem, dropped it— in the woods.
You dropped a poem poem right in the woods — hmmm.
Since that time, girl, it ain’t been no good. no no
been no good. 

You dropped a poem — I picked it up.
Anything can happen.